Slow to go fast

In a world that's constantly pushing us to hustle and grind, it's easy to get caught up in the belief that speed is the key to success. But in reality, moving fast without a clear direction can often lead to wasted time and energy.

That's why it's important to move slow to go fast. By taking the time to plan and strategize before diving headfirst into a project or goal, you'll set yourself up for greater success in the long run. When you move deliberately and intentionally, you'll avoid costly mistakes and setbacks that can slow you down later on.

So don't be afraid to take a step back and assess the situation before charging forward.

Deadlines are important, but don’t be afraid to delay that launch if there’s a bug in the code or your packaging isn’t quite right.

A little patience has saved me countless times.


Pirate Framework (AARRR)


Invest in Design